Deswa,Directed by Our Young Director Nitin Chandra and Produced by Our Icon Nitu Chandra, is all ready to Create the History in Bhojpuri cinema.Its a Movie on Migration of Students and Labours from Bihar.
Its Like a Dream coming true for Nitin Chandra, and he is doing everything to Promote his film, he is also using Social Media Like Facebook.etc. We should also contribute something,and Offcourse a Movie Like Deswa Deserves Support from us. Its being Produced under the banner of "Champaran Talkies", it has been named after a District in Bihar from where Gandhi Jee had startrd his Indin Freedom Movement In 1916, and for Nitu and Nitin chandra its also Like a Movement to Change the Panorma of Bhojpuri cinema and taking it to the Larger Canvas of the Entertainment world.
We wish and Want a great Success and acceptance for "Deswa".
Pawan Kumar