Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oops ............ We did it again

Shrikant , 14 Year Old , 1St Rank in IIT-JEE 2008.

Patna-based Shrikant beat 3,11,257 other candidates who gave the IIT JEE on April 13 across various centers in India and the newly opened JEE center in Dubai. Of these, 8652 candidates have been declared qualified to seek admission to the 6872 seats in the IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee, some new proposed IITs, Institute of Technology-Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU) and ISMU Dhanbad.
The number of students appearing for IIT JEE this year was 28 per cent more than in 2007. This year 78,159 girl candidates appeared for JEE registering an increase of 39per cent from the last year.

The number of those qualified have also increased to 840 which is 43 per cent more than last year. With an all India ranking of 14, N Vasuki from IIT Madras zone topped the list of girl candidates.

Sourece: Expressindia.com

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