Friday, June 25, 2010

Our Education and We the People !!


One question has always been arising in my mind, what are we getting educated for?

Money,Good Job, Degree or for Learning. We have been studying from our Primary text-books, the lesions against Caste system, Dowry system, but are we following our text-books...then what is the meaning of reading those lesions...just for passing the examination or to get the piece of paper in form of Degrees which qualifies us to earn money, but does it qualify us to be educated.

Answer is big NO, if we are not following or understanding what we have read, how can we be called educated?

If we think deeply..its very frustrating, we are just getting education for the degrees which leads to earn money.

What is the significance of including lesions of Balgangadhar Tilak, Rajaram Mohan Roy, Mahatma Gandhi, and many others in our syllabus, if we can not understand those.

When we will start getting educated for Moral Values and for the better Civilization...???

Pawan Kumar.

2 comments: said...

Dear pawan,
you really raised very relevant question?
i think today we changed the meaning of civilization......and in present civilization means how much u earn money, whereas in past civilization means how much respect you earn...

yet we should think positive and thank to God or you can say thank to our busy time that we are still not changing the text books of our primary education.

Perhaps one day any "MAD Student" really follow the text book of Primary Education.

thanks and regards,

Mukesh K. Tripathi.

mukesh tripathi said...

Dear pawan,
you really raised very relevant question?
i think today we changed the meaning of civilization......and in present civilization means how much u earn money, whereas in past civilization means how much respect you earn...

yet we should think positive and thank to God or you can say thank to our busy time that we are still not changing the text books of our primary education.

Perhaps one day any "MAD Student" really follow the text book of Primary Education.

thanks and regards,

Mukesh K. Tripathi.